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What to expect before first therapy session?


Once you have made contact with us, we will send you a simple evaluation pack for you to complete and return. This is for you to provide your personal, medical details and reasons for seeking counselling. We will then schedule you for a first assessment session. This aims to identify what you hope to gain from counselling which helps to give something to work towards in our future sessions. We take genuine interest in your concerns and provide highest level of confidential care.

與我們聯繫後,我們將向您發送一個簡單的評估包,供您完成並返回。 這是為您提供您的個人,醫療詳細信息以及尋求諮詢的原因。 然後,我們將安排您進行第一次評估。 這旨在確定您希望從諮詢中獲得什麼,這將有助於我們在以後的會議中有所作為。 我們對您的疑慮真正感興趣,並提供最高水平的機密護理。

What to expect before first online therapy session?


Similar to face-to-face session, we will send you a simple evaluation pack to complete and return. This is for you to provide your personal, medical details and reasons for seeking counselling. We prefer Skype/Zoom as the more secured platform however we may use other platforms upon your request in advance. Each session lasts about 50 minutes.

類似於面對面的會議,我們將向您發送一個簡單的評估包以完成並返回。 這是為您提供您的個人,醫療詳細信息以及尋求諮詢的原因。 我們更喜歡Skype / Zoom作為更安全的平台,但是我們可以根據您的要求預先使用其他平台。 每個會話持續約50分鐘。

Do we provide phone counselling?


Yes, we do. Although we think that face-to-face or Skype/Zoom sessions still give more personal touch and better results, we understand that a phone call can be a convenient option for some of you.

是的,我們願意。 儘管我們認為面對面或Skype / Zoom會話仍然可以提供更多的個性化體驗和更好的結果,但我們了解到電話可以成為某些人的便捷選擇。

Payment Methods


Please email us for pricing details.

We accept local payment methods PayMe or Bank Transfer.

Payment (HSBC Hong Kong):   

For those who wish to seek our services but have financial difficulties, we will consider on a case by case basis or we may also refer you to appropriate government agencies . For more information about fees and alternative payments, we encourage you to contact us at






  • 銀行轉賬:848-695946-838(匯豐香港,B&L Limited)

  • PayMe:+ 852-6086 7995 或單擊此處

  • PayMe QR碼:




對於那些希望尋求我們的服務但有經濟困難的人,我們將視具體情況考慮,或者我們也可以將您推薦給適當的政府機構。 有關費用和替代付款的更多信息,我們建議您通過 與我們聯繫。




Please provide a minimum of 48 hours notice if you wish to cancel or reschedule your appointment. Failure to do so will result in being charged for the session.

如果您想取消或重新安排約會,請至少提前48小時通知。 否則,我們將收取會話費用。

Limits of Confidentiality


Your privacy is our highest priority and is secured with us at all times. We are committed to provide a safe and supportive environment throughout your therapy. However, there are times that counsellor is mandated to release information disclosed in sessions under the professional code of ethics. These exceptional scenarios include: (1) you give consent to your counsellor to discuss a matter with another party (2) your counsellor determines you endanger yourself or others (3) in the unlikely event that your counsellor is ordered by court of law to do so. Your counsellor will make every effort possible to inform you of the situation prior to making any such disclosure. Your work with your counsellor will be managed in a competent manner and consistent with accepted ethical standards. 

You are also required to sign our Confidentiality & Policy letter before your first session begins.

您的隱私是我們的最高優先事項,並始終得到我們的保護。 我們致力於在您的整個治療過程中提供安全和支持的環境。 但是,有時候會要求輔導員根據專業道德守則發佈在會議中披露的信息。 這些特殊情況包括:(1)您同意您的諮詢師與另一方討論問題(2)您的諮詢師確定您危害自己或他人(3)在不太可能的情況下,如果您的諮詢師被法院命令這樣做, 所以。 您的顧問將在作出任何此類披露之前盡一切可能將情況告知您。 您與顧問的工作將以有能力的方式進行管理,並與公認的道德標准保持一致。


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